My continuing journey of recovery from heart bypass surgery. 1

Thirteen weeks marks the end of ten days quarantine in the UK. Yesterday I had my second vaccination at a walk-in facility. My first was AstraZeneca and the second Pfizer Biontech. I enjoyed the freedom from quarantine and walked 12k yesterday.

Grab a jabAstraZeneca and Pfizer

I’m feeling healthy and ran a little yesterday without getting breathless. I had been worried and too upset to tell anyone that one of my grafts failed during surgery. The day I left hospital the surgeon told me I’d had a small stroke during the operation. I worried what the implications were and the likelihood of other grafts failing. Any research online made me more worried. The surgeon told me all four chambers of the heart were working well and I shouldn’t feel any negative effects from the failed graft.

Apart from hereditary factors I wonder what life style factors contributed to my atherosclerosis (arteriosclerosis). Through out my life I have not been a big meat eater. Now I’m more or less vegan. I do not eat any processed food.

I don’t know the answers.

Finally, my leg has healed after thirteen weeks.

Sapheous vein  removal scar

  1. Coronary artery bypass graft [return]